Dr Doris NLP Courses & Webinars
Trainer Trainings, Master Trainer Programs and all levels of NLP & EI
Conscious Solutions believes that every human being has potential and purpose to unfold and to bring into action personally and professionally while enriching their lives and relationships with others.
We believe in building the art of human being and human intelligence on all levels, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Our focus is furthering the levels of respect, interactive quality and moving forward creating and creating and living our futures.
Our vision and commitment is to building and nourishing our community of coaches trainers and master trainers “Conscious Solutions World” creating increasing ripple effects to contribute to a world with greater levels of respect, peace, unity and consciousness.
Our orientation is to uncover the wisdom of unity, meditation and peace within.
We are dedicated since 1990 to advancing the field of personal and professional with innovative training experiences, dynamic, engaging, interactive, and oriented toward practical application.
Our programs emphasize synergy, systemic and generative approaches embedded in multi-dimensional and accelerated learning styles to generate optimal learning and long-term effects.
Dr. Doris is a dynamic teacher, directly influenced by the originators of NLP, who is recognized for her integrity, caring, in-depth knowledge and for her sense of practicality, personability and fun that she brings into the learning environment and to you.
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